Philips Healthcare

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Philips, MIT collaborate on ICU data sharing

Royal Philips and MIT announced an initiative that will allow healthcare researchers to access data on more than 100,000 patients, which has been collected by Phillips through its Hospital to Home eICU telehealth program. For researches, data sets are often limited to insurance claims data, which offers a summary of patient’s stay at a hospitals. […]

Devices & Diagnostics

Cardiocom acquisition shows Medtronic is serious about expanding from devices to data

When Medtronic announced its acquisition of Cardiocom  earlier this week,  it was a big (and loud) move in shaping the company’s “now we’re a healthcare service provider”  strategy. But Cardiocom  only makes $40 to $50 million in revenue, relatively small potatoes for a titan like Medtronic. What does this announcement mean, really, then?  “The importance […]

Devices & Diagnostics

Philips secures Sectra’s mammography technology

Sectra (OMX:SECTB) announced that it sold its MicroDose mammography sector to Royal Philips Healthcare (NYSE:PHG) this week. Philips paid $82 million in cash up front, and the agreement includes room for $18 million more pending specially agreed terms and conditions. About 110 Sectra employees are expected to transfer with the business. “This is an excellent […]

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Devices & Diagnostics

Philips Healthcare’s Cleveland imaging center gets FDA warning letter

Philips Healthcare‘s computed tomography and nuclear medicine headquarters in suburban Cleveland has received a warning letter from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, primarily over quality control and record-keeping issues. The FDA listed 15 specific violations uncovered during inspections of Philips’s imaging center in Highland Heights, Ohio last year. For example, the company failed to […]


Third Frontier renewal tops Ohio biomedical highlights in 2010

Most people in Ohio's biomedical industry would've considered 2010 a good year if just one key thing happened -- voters renewed the state's $1.35 billion, 10-year Third Frontier program, which is designed to energize Ohio’s economy by investing in cutting-edge technology. It happened and heads up MedCity News' list of the biggest highlights of the year for Ohio's biomedical industry.

MedCity Influencers

Automated defibrillators get FDA makeover

The Food & Drug Administration today announced a program for improving the safety and efficacy of automated external defibrillators. The federal watchdog agency said it’s received 28,000 reports of AED failures in the last five years, yet 300,000 Americans could benefit from treatment from the devices every year. AEDs are designed to treat cardiac arrest […]

MedCity Influencers

Philips Healthcare sales rise $321M in quarter, no thanks to imaging systems

Sales for Philips Healthcare during the three months ended Sept. 30 were about $321 million higher than the $2.35 billion in global sales reported for Q3 2009. The Royal Philips Electronics (NYSE:PHG) division recorded $2.67 billion in third-quarter revenues, a 13.6 percent increase. Earnings before interest, taxes and amortization for the North Andover, Massachusetts-based division […]